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All fields are closed today, Saturday, April 2.
Batting Cages Closed
Giffin Fields Winterset, Iowa 50273 United States
Churchville Open
2nd Street and South Street Churchville, Iowa 50211 United States
West on HWY 92 for 14.4 miles. Turn North on 30th Avenue/East Street for 1.9 miles. West on South street to ball fields. HWY 92 to HWY 28 North (Martensdale). North on HWY 28 for approx 2 miles to Harrison. West on Harrison approx 1.25 miles to 30th. South
Giffin East Open
400 East HWY 92 Winterset, Iowa 50273 United States
Giffin Middle Open
400 East HWY 92 Winterset, Iowa 50273 United States
Giffin West Open
400 East HWY 92 Winterset, Iowa 50273 United States
HS Indoor Practice Facility Open
1302 S 4th Ave Winterset, Iowa 50273 United States
Facility may be reserved for the 2015 season during the following times by contacting LL Board Member: March 1st - April 30th Monday: 6:00pm - 8:00pm Thursday: 6:00pm - 8:00pm Saturday: 2:00pm - 4:00pm
I-35 (Truro 1) Open
405 East North Street Truro, Iowa 50257 United States
Address is for I-35 High School. Ball fields are to the east of the school.
I-35 (Truro 2) Open
402 East North Street Truro, Iowa 50257 United States
Address is for I-35 High School. Ball fields are to the east of the school.
I-35 (Truro 3) Open
405 East North Street Truro, Iowa 50257 United States
Address is for I-35 High School. Ball fields are to the east of the school.
Martin Marietta East Open
1100 East Court Avenue Winterset, Iowa 50273 United States
Martin Marietta West Open
1100 East Court Avenue Winterset, Iowa 50273 United States
Norwalk (1) Open
200 Wright Road Norwalk, Iowa 50211 United States
McAnich Sports Complex
Norwalk (2) Open
200 Wright Road Norwalk, Iowa 50211 United States
Norwalk (3) Open
200 Wright Road Norwalk, Iowa 50211 United States
Norwalk (4) Open
200 Wright Road Norwalk, Iowa 50211 United States
Online Open
Winterset, Iowa 50273 United States
SEW (Lacona) Open
Lacona, Iowa 50139 United States
Take I-35 south to New Virginia exit. Go east into New Virginia. Take a right and head east at the first stop sign (Broadway St). Continue east on G76. You will cross Hwy 69 and Hwy 65. Continue east on G76 to Lacona. Continue east through town. Go past th
SEW (Milo) UPPER Open
Elm and 4th Street Milo, Iowa 50166 United States
St. Marys Open
101 Saint James Street St.Mary's, Iowa 50241 United States
HWY 92 East for 15.5 miles, turn south onto 40th Ave/Co Road R45 for 4.0 miles. Address is for Immaculate Conception Church. Little League fields are just north of Church.